Membership in Delta Gamma brings with it countless memories and experiences which shapes members for years to come. Delta Gamma is more than a collegiate experience; it is a lifetime of commitment, support and opportunity. It's a relationship that lasts forever.
Stacey Calhoon is president of the Topeka Alumnae Chapter (2023-2025). If you have suggestions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact her by simply messaging on Facebook or sending an email to her personal email address noted below.
Stacey Calhoon, AK 86 -
Please take a minute to renew your commitment to the Topeka Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma. We promise you'll see familiar faces and make new friends along the way. If you are only able to attend once ever this year, please come to Founder's Day (March 23, 2023).
Please support our chapter and pay your alumnae dues. Also consider supporting the Delta Gamma Educational Foundation of Topeka by making a tax deductible contribution.