Collegiate Support
The Topeka Alumnae Chapter is very fortunate to have the Alpha Kappa collegiate chapter in its local community. Collegians help make the alumnae experience even more rewarding.
The Alpha Kappa Chapter has more than 80 outstanding collegiate members. The Topeka Alumnae Chapter supports in a variety of ways. One of the most important is securing alumnae volunteers to serve as chapter advisers and members of the House Corporation Board. If you have interest in volunteering, please let us know.
See below alumnae who serve on the Advisory Team and House Corporation Board. Simply select their name to send them an email.
Advisory Team
The Alpha Kappa Advisory Team is comprised of a number of alumnae who advise the various collegiate chapter officers. These alumnae provide guidance, advice and support to the chapter. Special thanks to the alumnae who serve on the team.
Advisory Team Chairman: Jennie Johnson Watts
Chapter Relations (finance): Marti Goebel Dittman
Panhellenic: Susie Hoffmann
Membership: Chelsea Artzer
Member Education, Rituals and New Member: Amelia Gast Bailey
Programming, Public Relations and Alumnae Relations: Amy Penny
Foundation: Jessica Trigg Mai
House Corporation Board
Alpha Kappa House Corporation Board is comprised of alumnae and collegiate members. The purpose of the House Corporation Board is to establish, provide and support a suitable living and social environment for the collegiate chapter, including the ownership, maintenance and management of our beautiful chapter house at 1915 SW MacVicar Ave.
Special thanks to the alumnae and collegians who serve on the board.
President: Donna Winkler Lacy
Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Crites McCoy
Members at Large: Mitch Cusic Higgs, Linda Martin Thornburg, Linda Cann Falley, Madge Cole Everhart
Collegians: President, Treasurer and House Manager
Ex Officio:
Co-Alumnae President: Susie Hoffmann
Co-Alumnae President: Angie Dicicco Easum
Advisory Team Chairman: Jennie Johnson Watts